870.336.3744 admissions@nlbcs.com

A Word from the Chancellor

Dr. Greg Ota serves as New Life Bible College and Seminary's founder and Chancellor. He welcomes you on your new journey.

It is my pleasure to introduce to you New Life Bible College & Seminary.  This Bible institute was born out of a need to provide quality Christian education to church leaders and workers who have a hunger for the knowledge of God and a burning desire to study the Word of God; but are unable to attend a quality Bible College.  So many people are unable to leave their ministry, home, job and family in order to attend a seminary or college on campus.  Even more cannot afford the high cost of a quality traditional Christian education.

I feel that the New Life Bible College & Seminary have put together a very comprehensive Christian educational program that is both challenging, informative and inspirational.  Through our “Home Studies” and our “Classroom Studies” programs, you will be able to obtain an affordable quality Christian education toward an accredited academic degree.

New Life Bible College & Seminary is not a diploma mill. Our degree programs will require a lot of work; however, the courses are designed for the average person to be able to complete them without much difficulty.

As you look through this catalogue you will find that our tuition is very low compared to traditional colleges and seminaries that can charge as much as $174.00 per credit hour.  Our goal and charge is to make our program affordable for everyone within the body of Christ who truly desires a sound Christian education, to get one.

My prayer is that you will be enriched and spiritually edified as you study the Word of the Lord, and that your experience with New Life Bible College & Seminary will be a memorable and satisfying one.

We think that as you review the various programs you will see that we have streamlined the supporting areas of study by giving you the same necessary information with less reading and research material.  The only essential textbook is the Holy Bible, although there may be some required reading.